Sunday, January 30, 2011

Project of the Week (POTW): Wine Glass Charms

Do you like drinking wine with friends but have a hard time remembering whose glass is whose?

Wine glass charms solve this problem. Just attach a unique charm to each person's glass and you'll never get your drinks mixed up again. Not a wine drinker? They work on any stemware. You can get generic ones that are different colors, or ones with a theme, or you can personalize them to your friend's personalities.

This week I made Luck of the Irish themed ones. Pictures are below. They are really crappy because I took them with my phone. I think the kiddo hid my camera. I'll take better ones later.

I'll be making more charms soon that will be available in my shop. I'm holding off on officially opening my shop until I have a bit more of a selection. If you'd like some charms and want a particular theme, comment this entry and I'll let you know if I can get charms for your theme.

Keep on keepin' on,

The Lucky Mom

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